Paul Miller, an analyst at Friedman Billings Ramsey who covers bank stocks, says the problem with the plan is that the government is buying preferred shares and not common stock. 泡尔•咪勒(在FriedmanBillingsRamsey机构负责银行股票的分析师)说这一计划的问题是,政府正在收购优先股而不是普通股。
The determination of Ramsey numbers is a very difficult problem in combinatorial mathematics. Ramsey numbers not only have important theoretical significance, but also may be applied to computer science, Communications, decision-making, and so on. 确定Ramsey数是著名的组合数学难题之一,不仅具有重大的理论意义,而且在计算机科学、通信、管理决策等许多领域有实际应用。
Two Average Value Theorems On Ramsey Problem and the Initial Exploration of Their Applications 关于Ramsey问题的两个平均值定理及其应用初探
Ramsey theory constitutes the main research area of graph theory, and 3-coloring Ramsey theory is an important branch of Ramsey theory, the determination of 3-coloring Ramsey number is also an important research direction of Ramsey theory, and it is meanwhile a No-Polynomial Problem. Ramsey理论是图论的重要研究内容之一,而3色Ramsey数理论是其中一个重要的理论分支,对于3色Ramsey数的确定也是一个重要的研究方向,属于NP困难问题。
Ramsey number problem is one that is quite hard to solve. Ramsey数的求解是当前科学极难解决的问题之一。
In chapter five the problem of solving the Ramsey number is transformated to DNA computing models to solve maximum clique and maximum independent set problems. 在第五章中把求解Ramsey数问题转化为求解最大团问题和最大独立集问题,然后利用DNA模型进行解决。